I would just like to say thank you for producing such a wonderful product. I have worked for twenty years on the London Stock Exchange as a professional investor, and this is one of the most versatile investment tools I have ever seen. I would recommend it to anyone who invests on the stock markets of the world. My only criticism is that it is too cheap! I have spent thousands of pounds on software over the years, TradeTrakker paid for itself within a few hours (even in these markets.)
Mike Hudson (michael.hudson4 btinternet.com)
TradeTrakker is the best program on the market, I did extensive research before I purchased it and now the program is even better. You really did your home work on this one. The follow up tech support has been great, keep up the good work.
Richard Mayer (atlast44 home.com)
I have been an enthusiastic user of TradeTrakker for almost a year now. This tool is indispensable for tracking stocks inside and outside my portfolio. It installs seamlessly and sits unobtrusively on my Systray. I can set price, as well as volume alerts so I won�t miss a thing. The portfolio options has expanded considerably. It now includes such analytical choices such as Average Volume, Market Cap, PE Ratio, EPS, 3 MTD, YTD, and 3YTD. Also included is an expanded choice of market indexes from around the world. I recommend this program to any investor who likes to keep on top of the markets and track their stocks. Ideal for at work. You're going to love this program!
Mike Freel (mfreel1657 home.com)
For the price of registration, this has got to be the best stock portfolio tracker I have ever used and I will say that I have used quite a few. The updates just keep making the program better all the time. You are getting my registration for sure.
JOHN SUMPOLEC (jsumpyjr juno.com)
Excellent program. Just starting out as a private investor. Could not ask for a more user friendly tool.
Michael Candeloro (MCandeloro aol.com)
Although I have used TradeTrakker a rather short time, I knew right from the start it was a WINNER! I particularly appreciate the flexibility of the program as to how I can configure it to my exact liking while still remaining very user friendly. My brother also appreciated these qualities so much he registered his version a few days ago as well. We have tried and evaluated numerous programs over the last several months and yours was the winner, hands down.
Keith Boechler (k.boechler home.com)
I've used several different software programs to track my stock and investment portfolio. Yours is so perfectly what I wanted that it's almost unbelievable. For the first time I feel in TOTAL control of how I want my items laid out, what I want them to include, what I don't want included, etc., etc. Plus TradeTrakker looks good on the screen. My decision to buy was made within one hour of starting up the shareware version--no need to wait a month; it's that good! Thank you for a job well done!
Art Jorgensen (a.jorgensen att.net)
I heard about TradeTrakker on the BetaNews Web site. I have worked as a Banker for many years. I've been a full time tester for Symantec, and all MSN projects. I now make my living as a full time day trader. First of all, great program, I absolutely love it... This program is a must for any investor to use. Simple, fast, and clean without clutter. I really enjoyed testing the software. I LOVE THIS PROGRAM !!!!
Jay Lanphier (jaylanphier hotmail.com)
This is an incredible product, from what I've seen. I've already gotten several people interested in going ahead and paying for it.
Jeff Mason (encrypt netscape.net)
This is a good program. I have been looking for a logically designed portfolio management software for a long time and TT comes the closest.
Alan Aghan (alan.a worldnet.att.net)
I am a novice investor and a little apprehensive about investing on-line. The features included in TradeTrakker have helped a great deal to give me confidence in managing my own investment portfolio. Thank You.
Frank Flood (flood arctic.ca)
Does just what I want. No fuss, no muss.
LeonM pobox.com (LeonM pobox.com)
I currently use Personal Stock Monitor but I like the simplicity of Trade Trakker and have been using it to track my daily stock picks. Your program is headed in the right direction and should be popular. And yes, I will purchase it.
Terry McMillan (T_McMillan telus.net)
I can't say enough good things about Trade Trakker and the fantastic support and people behind this great product. Where else can you send an email in about a problem and have the company President respond to your email and facilitate a solution in such a timely manner. I really appreciate it!
Ray Smith (rjsmith awod.com)
I have just found your program and it really looks like exactly what I want.
Ron Hankins (1649002212 jcom.home.ne.jp)
Great enhancements with v. 2.0.
Douglas Robichaud (drobie tds.net)
Congratulations on your awesome Investment Portfolio Management Software. Trade Trakker will become an important tool that I will recommend without hesitation to anyone who has a stock portfolio.
Howard Thaw (howard_th yahoo.com)
You know, I have tried out a few other programs (including some from Australia), this one seems to be the best.
Harry Duong (harry_d telstra.com)
Thanks for TradeTrakker... I really enjoy the product.
Ron Lockhart (ron ronlockhart.com)
I have using your program for 2-3 weeks, I have to give it thumbs up of this program. It is easy to use and detail enough, also the best thing is the fast update of quotes.
Michael Ng (cilmng ctimail.com)