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Work as an ADM at Rose City Software Rose City Software is always looking for talented Account Development Managers (ADM) to work with new developers and help them market their software using the proven Rose City Software methods and technology. This is a performance based position, but there are unlimited earnings potential for the right individual!

An ADM's work involves a lot of email, corresponding with developers, shareware site personnel, media people, and others. The other major requirement is a good understanding of the Windows operating system and computer software in general. In addition you would need good organizational abilities, available time to put into the endeavor, and some form of other income so that you can start in gradually and work up to a level where you are making a solid income with this process. Like any type of work, there's a learning curve in the beginning, and it normally takes a while to build up to where you can generate a substantial income doing this.

The best part about this work is the flexibility it offers... There's no clock to punch, no one looking over your shoulder... you set your own hours and some days may be long if you want, while others may be relatively quiet if you like. In general it may be said that there is an almost unlimited amount of effort that can be put forth in promoting your software and acquiring new accounts... there you are limited only by your own energy and enthusiasm.

We focus on promotion of shareware thru established shareware channels where we have excellent contacts built up over the last few years. You see the numbers of awards most of our software have won. Those are due to our excellent relationship with these entities and our solid reputation for top quality shareware products.

The whole process of working as an ADM is fairly well documented at this point and we have three other Account Development Managers doing exactly what is described here.

Typically we split sales revenues with the developer and then the ADM get his percentage of the remaining revenue. Again, there is no salary and no guaranteed income... it is all entirely dependant on your efforts and the luck you have promoting your software. As some of our other ADMs will testify, it can be VERY lucrative. And there are no time constraints... you can put in as much time as you can spare as long as you can service the developers that you are working with adequately. There is no limit to what can be done to promote software on the internet.

Please send us an email if this type of thing interests you. We can tell you more by email, IM and telephone or Skype if you are outside the U.S.


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