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For a brief synopsis of each program in the Rose City Software Collection, as well as some very cool freeware, we invite you to visit our Product Overview page. Or go straight to the full page on the software you are interested in from the list above.

Rose City Software as compan began in 1997 with a simple little "Tweak" utility, the first Internet Optimizer, which greatly sped up our own Internet connections with Windows 95. We offered this "Tweak" utility to the Internet community and the world took notice. When it became outdated we worked with our top developers at Hagel Technologies to design TweakMASTER, a new generation Internet optimizer which works with Windows XP/Vista/7 and AOL as well. Our MaxMTU page became an Internet Standard linked from thousands of websites. Our software division has grown and now has registered users in 168 countries worldwide, and has clearly remained the industry leader in Internet optimization software.

Today, Rose City Software offers more than two dozen superior shareware products, and our philosophy remains the same. We will only develop and market top notch software that we would enjoy using ourselves. That's our committment to our customers. The number of award-winning utilities in our collection continues to grow with new releases in development through the end of the year.

Rose City Software is a lifetime member of the Association of Shareware Professionals

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 Windows 10 Tips and Tricks
Windows 10 tips and tricks Some useful Windows 10 Tips & Tricks to make your PC life easier.

 What's New at Rose City!
Click here to see the latest developments and updates at Rose City Software Read about all the latest news & updates at Rose City Software

 DU Meter 8 is now live!
DUMeter can accurately monitor your download speeds!. Monitor your connection with the =new DU Meter 8.0!

 Prevent Windows Crashes
Registry First Aid will clean up your registry. New Version 11.3
Speed up your PC with this proven utility!

DiskMagik - Tuneup & Maintain your Hard Drive in Peak Operating Condition Tuneup & Maintain your Hard Drive in Peak Operating Condition!

 Rose City Software for MAC
With the beta release of Boot Camp, many Rose City Software titles are now available to Mac users With Apple Boot Camp, many Rose City Software titles are available to Mac users running Windows under OS X.

 Enhanced Affiliate Program
Find out more about our exclusive new Rose City Software Hosted Downloads Affiliate Program! Learn about our new Hosted Downloads Affiliate Program

Rose City Software is known around the world for award winning customer service and support!

Rose City Software is a lifetime member of the Association of Shareware Professionals

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