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Software Translation Services Needed

Rose City Software has need of translation services for some of its popular software titles. Some of our developers cannot afford to pay for the professional services of a translation or localization company which charges by the word. We have had good luck with students or other end-users who are fluent in the language needed and can provide fast, accurate translation work for the product GUI, various text strings and prompts, and helpfiles. This will be provided by the developer of the software being translated.

The languages needed will depend on the software title, but most needed are Spanish, French, German and Italian. We also hope to be doing more with Japanese and Chinese in the next year or so. If you can help us with a project like this and your native tongue is one of the above languages, please contact us.

Please state your basic qualifications and which languages you are qualified to translate into.

Compensation will include a modest fee for your time plus free registrations to your choice of software titles at Rose City Software, plus the satisfaction of helping others to understand and benefit from our many useful and inexpensive software applications.

Thanks for your interest in helping us out at Rose City Software.

 Windows 10 Tips and Tricks
Windows 10 tips and tricks Some useful Windows 10 Tips & Tricks to make your PC life easier.

 What's New at Rose City!
Click here to see the latest developments and updates at Rose City Software Read about all the latest news & updates at Rose City Software

 DU Meter 8 is now live!
DUMeter can accurately monitor your download speeds!. Monitor your connection with the =new DU Meter 8.0!

 Prevent Windows Crashes
Registry First Aid will clean up your registry. New Version 11.3
Speed up your PC with this proven utility!

DiskMagik - Tuneup & Maintain your Hard Drive in Peak Operating Condition Tuneup & Maintain your Hard Drive in Peak Operating Condition!

 Rose City Software for MAC
With the beta release of Boot Camp, many Rose City Software titles are now available to Mac users With Apple Boot Camp, many Rose City Software titles are available to Mac users running Windows under OS X.

 Enhanced Affiliate Program
Find out more about our exclusive new Rose City Software Hosted Downloads Affiliate Program! Learn about our new Hosted Downloads Affiliate Program

Rose City Software is known around the world for award winning customer service and support!

Rose City Software is a lifetime member of the Association of Shareware Professionals

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