Read this glowing indepth review by a happy TweakMASTER 2.0 Betatester on 3 different systems
Click on the thumbnail at the right to take a look at the all-new graphical user interface for TweakMASTER Pro version 2.0 along with a brief description of some of the new enhancements. Watch the TweakMASTER page for the release announcement in May.
Additional Feedback Comments:
TweakMASTER is the crème de la crème! I've tried other such programs and none deliver on what they promise � TweakMASTER does!! DNS Accelerator can hugely improve access times to sites you regularly visit; the Clock Synchronizer ensures your clock is current � effortlessly. I periodically use the Connection Optimization Wizard - the Connection Speed Measurement verifies the improvements! TweakMASTER is the ultimate Tweaker!
Louis M. Ayers <Texas.Ex>
For work reasons, a number of changes were made to my machine (new Novell client, reconfiguration of some network options, etc.) and speeds fell all the way to 20-80 kbps. After running the TweakMASTER optimization wizard, throughput increased to 250 kbps. Re-running wizard and rebooting again boosted throughput to 700+ kbps. I've been using separate applications for DNS assistance, MTU tweaking, WhoIs, etc. Having everything bundled into one quick app is a real pleasure. I am delighted with the dramatic speed increases with minimal work and knowledge on my part.
Tom Anderson <tom>
I originally purchased TweakMASTER not long after having a cable modem/broadband service installed. At the time it was a 512kb service, the fastest that was available in the UK. However, I was very disappointed that I wasn't getting the download speeds that I had been led to expect. After finding TweakMASTER I saw an incredible improvement (it's been even better since I upgraded to the 1MB service more than a year ago). Thanks to TweakMASTER, I was able to start downloading free Grateful Dead shows which various fans had kindly digitised and donated for others to share, with the band's complete blessing. Thanks so much for helping this particular Deadhead to enjoy hours upon hours of wonderful recordings of many historic shows, all 100% legal and free! TweakMASTER was a brilliant investment!! Also, I have found LinkFox to be very useful. I often add links from IE Favorites into the LinkFox basket. I then know that I can go straight to the webpage I want in the knowledge that it will appear almost instantly.
Mohammad Rahman <paristravis>
I downloaded, installed TM2.0 last night, and am immediately impressed with the "new and improved" interface. As we speak, I am trying the different combinations to see what effect they have on my DL/UP's. The new features are slick too... The program has an entirely whole new feel about it...comparative to retail Quicken, Symantec, McAfee etc. Well done! I bet this alone will certainly increase sales to the general online population once they see/try it. No bugs or problems detected with all the other programs I have installed (major consideration)... All in all, I'd say you have much improved "Winner". I think TM 2.0 is a "must have" excellent enhancement for any Windows user.
Joseph Cooper <flht2001>
After ten days of lots of use the application is still rock solid and has caused no problems with other applications or programs. Personal notes: I really love the addition of Ping & TraceRoute and WhoIs and the new Clock Synchronization program allows me to get rid of another application!! LinkFox alone is worth the price of TweakMaster. I have used TweakMaster 1.xx on my older system since I Beta Tested that and can honestly say TweakMaster 2.0 will be staying on this system for (hopefully) years to come. You have made a great program even better and more functional while keeping it easy to use and understand for computer novices and allowing other options for power users (one of the things that most impressed me with version 1) My download speeds were sped up incredibly using optimization #2 in the wizard. Overall I would say that this program is ready for the world! It is always a pleasure to test such well done software and helps one keep faith that some programmers out there still like to do a great job instead of rushing "almost done" code to the public.
John Carlson <johnec>
This utility really works. Using the Connection Optimization Wizard my download and upload speeds increased dramatically.
Optimization Strategy # 1
148.8 KBPS
202 KBPS
I love the new Light Blue Color Scheme
David Hicks <dmhicks>
I have nothing but good things to say about this software, however I have had 3 occasions where I was using LinkFox and things seem to be working faster and all will be going well.
Gwen Tavares <GwenTavares>
Noticable Speed Increase - Haven't passed the 500Kbytes Per Sec Downstream barrier for quite some time. This alone has me sold. Haven't had a response from my Gateway IP less than 35ms
Graham McMillan <betatest>
I have been using Tweakmaster for a couple of weeks now, and I'm pretty impressed by it. Even though it did not optimize my connection as much as I had hoped it would (I guess my connection was already pretty efficient), the plethora of additional features in the program have made it earn it's place in my toolbox! I especially like the fact that even though it's easy to use, it still unveils a bunch of advanced options for the geekier users to play with as well.
Sander Bol <>
I love all the features of this build. Overall, this a much better and more complete product.
Milton Austin <ckaustin>
I'm so utterly pleased with TweakMASTER and just love the Link Fox tool! I can now open Internet Explorer fully confident that my favourite web sites are being opened instantly by Link Fox. I can just click on the basket and go straight to it! Combined with the DNS Accelerator and broadband browsing has taken another giant leap forward!! Thanks again!
Mohammad Rahman <paristravis>
I have many business applications and system utilities already installed and TweakMaster had no issues with any of them, so I knew this program was made well. I put it through it's paces and benchmarked the before and after connection speeds and they all were consistantly 2.5 to 3 times faster will less connection problems! TweakMaster actually makes my dial-up connection bearable! TweakMaster is a breakthrough program in it's genre. There is no other program that can compete with the speed gains that TweakMaster produces and I have tried many. TweakMaster is going to be on my system from now on! It is a polished, smooth, simple utility that no one should be without. TweakMaster is a wise investment.
Dale Hammon <wildmantribe>
TweakMaster's features are great to have in one place. All the features work very well. I especially like the LAN window which shows open/established connections along with revelant information. Whois is also very convenient. It is a great little program. A lot of options in a very usable package. The extras are icing on the cake. Ping, tracert, whois, connection info etc. No need for separate programs, TweakMaster does it. All in all a very well thought out program. NICE, two thumbs up.
Kelly Johnson <kw_rig>
TweakMASTER. Inteligent and reliable software especially for a beginner/intermediate computer user like myself. It optimized my internet connection though it had been optimized already by another program and I am very impressed with the way TWEAKMASTER PRO performs. Keep on going with your inteligent program.
Guus Weijnschenk <Guus>
I was looking at ways of enhancing my broadband connection and came across tweakmaster. I downloaded it and applied it to my PC. The results were breathtaking, so I immediately purchased this product. It does not interefere with other programs and is fully recommended. 5***** to this amazing software.
Anthony Dedes <antonebay>
What a wonderful internet tweaking program I've ever had in my life ! I really love it. There's no other tweaking program in this world can challenge TweakMASTER.
hisham <>
Please accept my humble admiration by the quality of your products and also of your site.
Its not usual to find a so great level of excellence in good quality as you have reached.
In this particular point you have largely surpassed many others enterprises, even the biggest in the world.
My congratulations,
Best regards,
Armando <mp5947>
I continue to be amazed at the 30% to 50% increase in download speed on dial up modem that TweakMaster provides.
Roy Goss, Jr. <royg>
Tweakmaster did not increase my connection speeds as such but surfing has become A LOT faster, just by tuning my system's registry! Thanks a lot!
Polar Monk <PolarMonk>
See many more user comments here.