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TradeTrakker - Preeminent Investment Portfolio Management

NOTICE: Recently Tradetrakker stopped retrieving stock quotes to update portfolios. Many users reported the matter and we immediately went to work to discover the cause of the problem. A workaround was found and a new version of Tradetrakker(v 3.51) is now available which should once again update your portfolio as normal. You should not have to do anything except install this version right over the top of your current program. If the YTD, MTD and 3MTD columns do not update at first, it may be necessary to force an update by holding down the SHIFT key and pressing Tradetrakker's update button.

Please note Tradetrakker may function a bit more slowly than you are used to, but it should update everything eventually... at least for smaller portfolios. The program may function erratically for very large portfolios with hundreds of entries. You can try creating separate .TTD files and limiting the number of portfolios or stock quotes in each.

This is the new download link for Tradetrakker 3.51

Please see the Help/About menu in Tradetrakker to verify which version are using.

HOWEVER... please be advised....

After the recent break in the online data feed, we have done the best we could to fix TradeTrakker and get it working for most existing customers. Most customers report that it is working well. However, We've recently been notified by S&P Dow Jones Indices that the agreement that allowed us to distribute their data to our users has been terminated by them with effect as of December 31, 2017. Therefore, we have no other recourse but to stop selling TradeTrakker or providing updates for the software. While the program itself might continue working for some time, we cannot provide meaningful technical support for software that we cannot neither maintain nor profit from.

As made plain in the DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY in TradeTrakker's Software License Agreement (warranty portion attached) "if the online stock information sources used by TradeTrakker cease to be available for free use in TradeTrakker, TradeTrakker may no longer be able to update portfolio information via the internet." This was always our policy over the 15 years we sold TradeTrakker. While TradeTrakker might continue working for some time, since Yahoo was sold to Verizon, there are most probably changes coming that will prevent TradeTrakker from obtaining stock data in the future. That is beyond our control and we will not be making software updates to try and deal with it any longer.

We thank all our customers for their support over the years. and we suggest TradeTrakker users should look for alternatives to replace TradeTrakker as their stock management software.

TradeTrakker is an easy-to-use, yet powerful financial portfolio management application for Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP. The new version includes many powerful new features as requested by many of our regular users. The 2.x version was featured during its first week of release by CNET Exclusives on the "Download Spotlight" on

Whether you are new to investing or an experienced trader, TradeTrakker will help you monitor and analyze your stock and mutual fund positions, providing powerful insight into how well your investments are performing.

Download a Free trial now!
TradeTrakker is available for 30 day trial download with no limitations.

So ingenious and comprehensive is this tool that, in its first week of release, it was immediately named to the Microsoft� and WUGNET Windows Shareware Hall of Fame.   Many other top awards followed quickly.....

Visit the TradeTrakker Awards Gallery with direct links to all these sites and reviews!

TradeTrakker can monitor multiple portfolios and watch lists with a choice of some fifty different parameters, including buy & sell, gains & losses, stock splits & dividends and total portfolio value. Stocks and mutual funds can be arranged into specific groups within a portfolio and sorted on any parameter. All stock positions as well as key market indices can be automatically updated on a regular schedule or manually at any time.

TradeTrakker includes a wizard option to simplify data input. Track your portfolio's cash reserve account too! Link to stock news, stock symbols and charts plus your personal online trading account directly from TradeTrakker's main window.

TradeTrakker Deluxe has a number of other more powerful features: Set alerts based on stock price, and retrieve quotes for your favorite stocks in Real Time. Exclusive "Portfolio Snapshots" saves stock database in read-only format for record keeping purposes, or export all data to Microsoft Excel. And there are no limits on the number of stocks which can be tracked, the number of columns which can be displayed, or the frequency of automatic updates.

Rated as one of the 5 top stock tools by PC World Magazine!

TradeTrakker is able to monitor more than 100 foreign exchanges and the stocks on those exchanges. An optional ticker display can be configured with any stocks or indexes as desired. Features added along the way were a Transaction History feature, direct printing option, capital gains tax notification, integration with voice and paging software, and many other exciting new features, as well as the capability to protect your sensitive financial data in TradeTrakker with high-grade encryption technology.

All of these new features may be evaluated in the deluxe version which has a free 30 day evaluation period, no advertising of any kind, and is available from the TradeTrakker website.

Due to the controvery surrounding advertising-supported software, or adware, the Lite Version of TradeTrakker is no longer being offered. Instead, the full-featured Deluxe version is available for unrestricted 30 day use to give you plenty of time to evaluate the many great features of this award-winning software.

TradeTrakker is the ideal way for the investor to keep track of investment accounts and analyze their performance.

"I heard about TradeTrakker on the BetaNews Web site. I have worked as a Banker for many years. I've been a full time tester for Symantec, and all MSN projects. I now make my living as a full time day trader. First of all, great program, I absolutely love it... This program is a must for any investor to use. Simple, fast, and clean without clutter. I really enjoyed testing the software. I LOVE THIS PROGRAM !!!!"

Jay Lanphier

Read more rave comments from happy TradeTrakker users

TradeTrakker Screenshot

click for fullsize screenshot of TradeTrakker
click image for fullsize screenshot
more screenshots here

The Dow Jones Indexes™ are compiled, calculated and distributed by Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and have been licensed for use. All content of The Dow Jones Indexes™ � 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

New TradeTrakker 3.x and more recent updates

major upgrade with discounts for registered users
See this page for ALL fixes and updates in version 3.x
  • v3.14 fixes some minor issues with v 3.01, 3.02, 3.05. 3.14
  • v3.0 has an updated look for Windows 7/8
  • Trailing stop alerts have been added
  • Data can be exported to HTML file format as well as Excel file
  • Text-To-Speech component can announce stock price alerts aloud
  • List of indexes: 21 obsolete indexes removed, 41 new indexes added. Users are advised to use indexes configuration dialog box to remove old indexes which stopped working and add new ones.
  • Ability to view multi-portfolio totals for selected portfolios (Select "Multi-Portfolio Summary" from the list of portfolios).
  • Total portfolio value column in Performance Summary panel ("Market Value" column renamed to "Securities Value", and new "Total Value" column added).
  • "Copy columns layout" menu command (to copy columns layout from different portfolio).
  • Option to copy columns layout from existing portfolio on new portfolio creation.
  • Ability to enter dividend date on dividend entry dialog for correct logging.
  • TradeTrakker now honors system settings for date and time display
  • When the security is sold, it is removed from stock ticker automatically (configurable).
  • More intuitive handing of watched stocks in Stock Properties dialog.
  • New column: "% of portfolio" - Percentage of the total portfolio invested in security, by current market value.
  • Multi-portfolio totals printout includes only portfolios selected by user
  • In printed reports, color each 2nd line in light gray (configurable).

Key TradeTrakker features

  • Monitors stock or mutual fund positions in multiple portfolios.
  • Compatible with Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
  • Autoupdates all data at user-specified intervals almost instantly, as frequently as every minute, with 20 minute delayed quotes from the Internet.
  • Supports major European and Asian stock exchanges.
  • Real time quotes also available on any publicly traded stock.
  • All reported data continuously auto-computed with user input on stock purchase price, date and number of shares.
  • Optional customizable stock ticker.
  • Full support for long and short trading.
  • Portfolios and stock/fund positions may be edited at any time.
  • Wizard option included to simplify data input.
  • Resizable columns (50 in total) include current price info, cost basis, current gain/loss, total gain/loss, sale data for liquidated stocks, and more.
  • Performance Summary shows day's gain/loss ($ and %) and total portfolio gain/loss ($ and %).
  • Cash reserve accounts for any portfolio are updated automatically with sales and purchases.
  • Major market indices updated at one minute intervals.
  • User input data options includes stock sale information, broker commissions, splits, dividends and more.
  • Transaction history feature: logging of transactions helps fill tax forms correctly.
  • Can export all data into Microsoft Excel.
  • Can print summaries and detailed reports.
  • Move or copy any stock or fund position between portfolios.
  • Create multiple portfolios and different groups within each portfolio, if desired, based on any user-specified parameters (stock sector, stock/fund, brokerage account, IRA, etc).
  • Flexible alerts to warn when a certain stock price or volume reaches a user-specified low or high.
  • Optional text-to-speech and animation effects for alert reporting.
  • Integration with NotePager software enables TradeTrakker to send a message to your pager or digital phone whenever a programmable TradeTrakker alert is triggered.
  • Fully customizable Web Links for symbol lookup, charts, news, SEC filings, and more, plus configurable link to user's online trading page.
  • Capital gains tax determination tells the user how many days left till a stock turns long-term.
  • Save stock portfolio database to multiple locations such as on a LAN or laptop computer.
  • Exclusive "Portfolio Snapshots" saves stock database in read-only format for record keeping purposes.
  • Automatic file backup facility.
  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface with detailed onboard help file.
  • Clean automatic install and uninstall facility.
  • May be used through a proxy server on in a corporate environment behind a firewall.
  • Written in Delphi programming language which modifies no system files. .

Visit the TradeTrakker homepage for more information, or you can download the full featured "Deluxe" trial version using one of our download sites listed below:

Download locations:

TradeTrakker Deluxe v3.14
[3.55 MB]

There's a 30 day free trial without limitation. After purchase you will be issued a serial number to register it for unlimited use.

UPGRADES:   v3.x fixes some minor issues and includes some real enhancements plus full support for Winows 8 and the eventual release of Windows 10, over the previous 2.x. A 50% discount is available for registered 2.x users. The upgrade is FREE for any users who purchased TradeTrakker in 2014 or later. To find out what kind of upgrade you qualify for, please visit the     TRADETRAKKER UPGRADE PAGE

purchase this software online using the link provided below If you've read enough and want to get your registered copy right now for just $44.95 with an $8.00 discount right now. You also get a 30 Day money-back guarantee. You can purchase TradeTrakker directly online from Paypro Global. Whether you just go ahead and buy it now, or try out the 30 day trial version first, we know you will really enjoy keeping an eye on your investments with TradeTrakker.

Sign up as an affiliate for TradeTrakker you are instantly eligible to become an affiliate for many of our other acclaimed software titles.
If you have a website, newsletter or other means of promotion, you can share this great tool with your readers and help us promote TradeTrakker ... and earn a 25% commission on all sales you help generate. Just take a few minutes and sign up as a TradeTrakker Affiliate, and you can soon be earning easy revenue and providing a key service to your customers or readers who will surely enjoy this award-winning utility as much as you do!

And once you become an affiliate for TradeTrakker you are instantly eligible to become an affiliate for many of our other acclaimed software titles. Just visit our affiliate page to learn more. From there you can easily sign up, borrow some of our promotional tools, and you are ready to start. It costs you nothing to join, there is no risk for you, and it works!

Support questions for TradeTrakker should be directed to TradeTrakker Support.


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